Whether you are a SME or an energy expert & trainer, we offer a set of tailored services that will help you boost your energy skills through energy management, training, financing and much more. Click below to discover how we can help you succeed.

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Services for SMEs

Free energy audits

Our SPEEDIER experts can provide free energy assessments to identify possible energy efficiency measures and guide you through the implementation process. You will have lower energy bills in no time!


Want to learn more about how to better manage energy in your business? Take a look at our online training, tools and capacity building materials here

Access to finance

Interested in applying energy efficiency measures at your company but worried about the initial cost? Learn more about how the SPEEDIER ring-fencing approach can help and find out more about the financing assistance available in your location.

Energy efficiency

We know that managing energy is not always easy, but we are here to help! Learn how to improve your energy efficiency from our range of case studies!

Are you interested? Do not hesitate and leave us a message here!

Services for Energy Experts

FREE auditing tool

Avoid paperwork and the access to several platforms to comply with your auditing process! Access now to our easy-to-use and manage all your data in a single app!

Become an Expert!

Access our extensive training materials and learn how to deliver the SPEEDIER Service for your own clients!

Experts Database

Join our group of experts and keep in contact with the leading professionals in energy management! Publish your company details in our database so that local businesses can find you.

Become a Trainer!

Become a SPEEDIER Trainer! If you are a training provider, energy agency, professional body or public authority who can train others to deliver SPEEDIER please get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.

Are you interested? Do not hesitate and leave us a message here!


SPEEDIER is a highly innovative one-stop-shop solution that applies an integrated approach to energy management, providing information, advice, capacity building, energy auditing, financing, implementation of energy efficiency solutions and monitoring of impacts.
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Our News


speedier at the ceris

SPEEDIER at the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS)

On March 24, Tom Flynn, Innovation and Business Development manager at TFC and responsible for the quality assurance within SPEEDIER attended the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security ...
30 03, 2022
SPEEDIER presented its results in an online session

SPEEDIER presented its results in an online session

SPEEDIER held an online session on November 17 to present its results, lessons learned, and conclusions. For two and a half hours, from 10 to 12:30 CET, SPEEDIER went through ...
30 11, 2021

Webinar: Towards a decarbonized Europe: Increasing energy efficiency in SMEs for a clean energy transition

SPEEDIER held the online session Towards a decarbonized Europe Increasing energy efficiency in SMEs for a clean energy transition, hosted on October 19 from 9 to 10:30 (CEST), together with ...
26 10, 2021